You DON’T need a website to have a successful business

That’s right - you DON’T need a website to have a successful business. If that were the case, there would have been no successful businesses before the internet. If you can remember way back when — before the days of dial-up, when picking up the phone meant it dropped you out of your quick weekly email check — you’ll know that’s just not the case.

Without a website, you might:

  • have your contact details and services listed in online directories

  • post in Facebook groups and ask people to private message you

  • get into lengthy chats in Instagram DMs or by email about what’s included, how people can work with you, how much you cost, if your services are right for this person

  • use a link in bio to send people to various opt-in landing pages, PayPal or an online cart page

  • give out your mobile number to people can call you to book in

And these are absolutely ways that you can manage your business and marketing. But now that we have the technology, you should be using it to your advantage - especially when thinking about how you would like to do business.

Don’t like giving out your number or talking on the phone? Set up an enquiry and booking process on your site.

Don’t like hanging out in your DMs all day when you’ve got work to do and home life to tend to? Set up a link in bio page on your site with all the info you get asked over and over.

Picture this: you’re at a funky networking event (*or eating a holiday lunch with your extended family…) and the attention turns to you and your business.

You know that little internal panic when someone asks for your website, but you know it’s super outdated and you’ve barely touched it in years, it doesn’t reflect your business growth, or worse still, it’s been sitting ‘under construction’ for wayyy too long and you’re kind of pretending it doesn’t exist now… ?

Well that’s pretty much as helpful as not having a website, but you’re still paying for the privilege — and it’s definitely not the feeling you want.

While you don’t need a website for a successful health and wellness business, it sure as hell can make your life easier. You can:

  • have a central place for all of your business info, like your services, who you work with, how people can book with you, anything they need to know before they get in touch — think about all the questions someone would have about working with you and include it on your site.

  • integrate a scheduling system so people can book and pay for your services without interrupting you mid-coffee break so you can manually pencil them in and take card details over the phone

  • give people an idea of what it’s like to work with you by showing off your personality

  • show you’re a legit business that actually exists

  • sell physical or digital products without having to manually send PayPal invoices

  • just have your own place on the internet to tell people how awesome you are (that’s what websites are for, right?)


Ready to show your ideal clients why you’re the one for them (without spending another late night basking in the glow of your laptop screen)?

Whether you want to ditch the website shame or create your first website, I can help - check out my Squarespace website design packages for health and wellness businesses.

And if none of those fit, get in touch and we can chat custom packages.




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Cass Aggett

Cass is based in Brisbane, Australia and designs minimalist branding + Squarespace websites and provides ongoing website management. Want to create your own site but not sure where to start? Get the New Website Lifesaver here!

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Cass Aggett: From public servant to web designer for health & wellness brands