refresh day

Refresh, tweak and fall back in love with your Squarespace website — all in a day’s work (yes, really).

Ever feel like you have a mile-long-website-to-do list that just isn’t gonna get done?

Maybe it’s an outdated design or your website loads slower than dial up internet.

Maybe your business has evolved, and your website no longer reflects what you do.

Or maybe there’s something that’s not quite right (points to jumbled mobile design that just won’t budge).                 

My Squarespace refresh day is here to ditch the overwhelm, work through your design to-do list, and improve your website’s performance. All so you can focus on what you do best: running your purpose-led business and supporting your dream clients (also: not staying up on your laptop until all-bloody-hours).

So, what actually happens in a Squarespace refresh day?           

It’s simple. If you’ve already got a Squarespace website that needs a spruce up, book a mini refresh (three hours) or a full refresh (six hours) and I’ll fly through your website to-do list like a caffeine-fuelled web designer on roller skates (literally, though).

You’ll leave feeling supported, totally confident in your new website, and with extra brain room to think about what’s important, like, where’s my next holiday?

A Squarespace refresh day is for you if —

  • You’ve got an existing Squarespace website

  • You’re a women-led, go-getting, service-based business

  • You know something’s not quite right with your website, but you don’t have time to fix it yourself

  • You already have brand assets (I’m talking logo, fonts, colours, photos – the works)

  • You’re ready to accept some outside and judgement-free help

  • You’re damn busy, but can still provide quick responses during your Squarespace refresh day (usually by text)

  • You’re not looking for full website design (if that’s you, check out my semi-custom or custom website packages)

What can we get done in a day?

When you book a Squarespace refresh day, you’re paying for my time not a set number of deliverables. So, this a totally valid question. Here’s a guide for what my refresh days are good for*.

Mini refresh (three hours)

$620 AUD

Integrate a system
Integrate and set up one new system (like Squarespace Scheduling) where you have the details ready to go for a handful of appointments or classes.

Zhoosh up a template
DIY’d your website? I can tweak and refresh things like integrations, and spacing, as well as optimising for mobile view and checking links.

Install a plugin
Got your eyes on a particular plugin or function (but reaaaaally don’t wanna try install it yourself?) That’s kinda my jam.

Update your photos
Are you website photos as old as the hills? Snagged yourself a heap of new ones but it’s too tedious to go through and resize and compress them before uploading to your site? I gotchu.

Full refresh (six hours)

$1240 AUD

Update your branding
Had a rebrand lately? I can update your colours, fonts, images and logos, plus a little refresh of your entire site to make sure your spacing, layout and mobile view is on point.

An SEO refresh
Got SEO thingys but don’t know what to do with them? Hand me your keywords and I’ll write and insert your SEO title tags, meta descriptions and image ALT text. I can also do a broken link check, review your page URL slugs, and replace any slow-loading images (all stuff that’s good for SEO).

Update your service pages

Need your service pages to match what you offer? Maybe your business has evolved but your website hasn’t? This is about updating an existing page or starting a new one (without the need for a full redesign).

*Got any other ideas that aren’t listed here? I’d love to hear about it and let you know if it’s doable in this package.

“Cass has been a real find and brilliant to work with! She managed to take my jumbled ideas (and my complete overwhelm) and transform them into a beautiful, cohesive website that I'm really proud of. I felt like Cass really "got" me, and what I was aiming for. She also communicated so well along the way, which put my mind at ease and built trust. I can't recommend her highly enough, and I will be seeking her support in future as my business grows.”


How does it work?


    If you’re like, “Cass, shut up and take my money”, you can book your refresh day straight away. Or if you have an idea and want to have a chat first, fill out my contact form.


    I’ll get all the essential info I need from you (like goals for the day, website access and branding bits n bobs). We’ll be ready to hit the ground running.


    When your refresh day rolls around, I’ll work through your to-do list. If I have any questions throughout the day, I’ll most likely flick you a text or give you a ring.


    Your refreshed website is live! We’ll (virtually or metaphorically) cheers G+T glasses and you’ll leave feeling like you’ve totally nailed your to-do list.

Choose the refresh day for you

Mini refresh

$620 AUD

3 hours of my brain

Good for small website jobs like integrating a system, updating some pages, polishing up a template or installing a plug-in.

What’s included?

  • 30 minute strategy call before our day together to get clear on your needs and goals

  • Guidance to help you prepare your content before our day together

  • Three hours of my eyes, ears and brains on your website

  • Seven days of support via email following your refresh day

Full refresh

$1240 AUD

Six hours of my brain

Good for (slightly bigger) small website jobs like applying a recent rebrand, adding some pages or making tweaks to boost your SEO.

What’s included?

  • 30 minute strategy call before our day together to get clear on your needs and goals

  • Guidance to help you prepare your content before our day together

  • Six hours of my eyes, ears and brains on your website

  • Seven days of support via email following your refresh day

You’ll work directly with me, Cass Aggett

A Brisbane Squarespace web designer for go-getting, quietly rebellious women who wanna bring something good to the world.

I’ve been doing this techy-stuff since I was 14 years old (read: taught myself how to code in the days of dial up internet connection).

Today, I specialise in the Squarespace platform and believe that good-lookin’, functional and high-converting websites should be accessible to women at every stage of their business journey.

Websites aside, I’m a collector of dogs, roller skater and perhaps a little bit woo.

Oh, and my clients say I’m stubbornly determined to get results, a translator of ideas and someone that really “gets them”.

So, if that’s your jam, let’s blow this popsicle stand.

I feel like you’ve got questions

  • When you book a refresh day, you’re paying for my time, not a set number of deliverables. So there’s no guarantee I’ll finish everything.

    But in saying that, I work quickly and efficiently and I’m great at estimating what I’m able to get done (believe me, it’s in my best interests to get it done and deliver on your expectations). If I don’t get through everything, some hurdles come up, or you find you need more done, no problem, we can book another day or half day.

  • A few things. For starters, your website content should be ready to go before we meet (or at least the content for the pages I’m working on). This includes any text, images, branding and logos. I’ll also need login details or system access if your project calls for it. You’ll also need to have your priority list ready to go (AKA your to-do list for me to smash through – don’t worry, I’ve got a template doc to get you started).

  • No worries! We can book in an extra day or half day to finish things off.

  • Squarespace is my jam, and I’m able to offer this service because I know the platform well. That’s why I don’t work with other platforms. If you’re interested in switching over to Squarespace, I’d love to chat (though it’s unlikely we’ll be able to complete this in a day).

  • If you’re a good fit for a mini refresh or a full refresh, I’ll ask you to pay upfront to secure your spot in my calendar.

  • All refresh day payments are non-refundable. That’s because I’m keeping a day aside just for you in my calendar.

  • Yes! You can reschedule up to seven days before the date and rebook within 90 days.

  • Like a stage-five clinger (in a good way) I’m not going anywhere. You’ll get seven days of email support after our day together related to the work we’ve done. If you’d like extra support or guidance, you’re always welcome to book another day.