Why you don’t want a web designer that’ll go MIA

You know what grinds my gears? Well if you’ve seen the heading, I’m sure you’ve guessed it – it’s web designers going MIA.

I’d heard the odd story about businesses getting their website designed and a year or two later wanting to have some changes made. They tried to contact their web designer and they’d either fallen off the face of the planet or aren’t interested in smaller, one-off updates so eventually just stop replying to emails. Or worse still (maybe?), promising that they can make the updates and that everything is hunky-dory, but constantly pushing the work back, making excuses or doing a half-arsed job to get it over with – wasting everyone’s time and patience in the process.

I’m not silly, I knew this was happening, and I’m sure we’ve all heard the horror stories… but I didn’t realise how common it had been in my own network until I started asking for people’s personal experiences a few months ago. I heard first-hand how frustrating and disappointing it was to be given the run around or just straight up the cold shoulder. We’ve got enough things to worry about as business owners! You don’t need to deal with that as well.

I hate that this is a thing people constantly have to put up with, and I want to change it! I don’t want any of my clients to feel like they’ve been abandoned or taken advantage of, which is why I love to help clients long after their website has been built. Whether it’s the odd update, a bit of regular maintenance or time for a refresh, I’m building my business to be able to support yours in the long term, however that looks for you.

How I want to be part of this solution? By building long-term relationships with my clients. It’s so great getting to know someone over the years and be able to grow alongside their business, almost like a team member but from the outside. And hey, if for some reason there’s something I can’t help you with down the track? I’m not going to just ignore your emails - in fact, I’ll probably find someone suitable and send their details your way.

So apart from getting a new business buddy, what are some of the benefits of working with a designer who's got your back and is it in for the long haul?

Familiarity with your website

Picture this: your website needs a little sprucing up and you don’t have the time or patience to worry about it yourself. With a long-term website designer on your team, they're already acquainted with every last section of your website. They know its ins and outs, the custom code that makes it tick, and the unique features that set it apart. This familiarity means they can make updates quicker than you can say "Is it too early for a gin and tonic?" No more randomly posting in Facebook groups to find someone, back-and-forth emails or waiting around for weeks to learn the person you chose no longer has time. It's like having a secret website genie who knows exactly what you need, making the whole process that much smoother.

Besties for business

Ever had that one friend who always has your back? A long-term collab with a website designer can be just like that, but for your business (score!). They'll understand your brand, your goals, and your target audience better than anyone because they’ve been with you for the long haul. With their expert knowledge, they can offer valuable insights and suggestions to take your website to the next level. It's like having a business BFF who's got your back and genuinely wants to see you shine – and they can also keep your website fresh.

It's a time-saver

I don’t need to tell you that as business owners we’ve got a million things on our plates. Trying to squeeze website updates into your already jam-packed schedule sucks, and you know they’ll just keep slipping down your to-do list – and that’s not to mention trying to find someone new to make those updates every time you need it. That's where a reliable web designer comes in. By outsourcing those updates to a pro (in this case, a Squarespace specialist – hey hi! 👋), you'll save precious time and preserve your sanity. Instead of struggling to find a spare moment between clients, family commitments, and self-care (yes, that's still important!), you can trust your designer to handle it all. You focus on what you do best, and they'll take care of your website like a pro. Say goodbyeee to website overwhelm.

Maintenance made easy

Websites are like houseplants; they need some love and care to flourish (just don’t water it – something’s telling me the whole electronics and water thing is a no-go). With a long-term website designer, you gain access to ongoing support and maintenance services as you need it. They'll keep your website up to date, secure, and running smoothly. Need plugin updates, security checks, or quick content tweaks? Consider it done. Instead of worrying about tech stuff, you can breathe easy knowing that your website’s in good hands. It's like having a personal website caretaker, ensuring your online home is always in tip-top shape. (Do I add something about pruning here? No – too many plant metaphors.)

Scale & refresh with ease

Businesses evolve, grow, and change directions, and your website should reflect those transformations seamlessly. When you've got a BFF web designer this becomes a breeze – and if that person is anything like me, they’ll be super excited about what your business is getting up to! They already know your brand identity, your (and maybe now evolving) vision, and your preferences inside out. So when it's time for a minor update, or even a full-on redesign, they can hit the ground running and join you on the next part of your journey, ready to cheer you on.

Now how much better does that sound than scrambling to find someone new or trying to get ahold of the designer that built your Squarespace site, only to learn they have no interest in helping with the small stuff?!


Good news - I’ve been building out my service offerings so there’s something for all the health and wellness businesses out there, from large to small and everything in between.

And I’m in it for the long haul, ready to get to know you and your business and cheer you on from the site-line 😉

If it’s time to go big, you can go straight for a custom Squarespace website design. Or there’s semi-custom options if that suits your stage of business or cash flow better.

Need something smaller? You might like a Squarespace website audit, a full or half VIP Day service, or ongoing website maintenance (there are 3 plans to choose from with no lock-in contracts).

And if you fancy some DIY, check out my online store, which has a range of Squarespace website and landing page templates available – there’s even a step-by-step content workbook so you can write your own website without staring at a blank screen for ages.

Wanna be business buddies? I gotchu! Submit an enquiry here – I’d love to hear from you. (And if you like, you can start getting to know me over on Instagram first.)




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Cass Aggett

Cass is based in Brisbane, Australia and designs minimalist branding + Squarespace websites and provides ongoing website management. Want to create your own site but not sure where to start? Get the New Website Lifesaver here!


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